Hisense Unveiled its AI-Driven Smart City Solutions at IFA 2024

9 September 2024

On September 6, 2024, the Internationale Funkausstellung (IFA) Berlin, the world’s leading trade show for consumer electronics and home appliances, kicked off at the Berlin Exhibition Center. Celebrating its 100th anniversary this year, IFA has become a global barometer of technological innovation, attracting over 1,800 exhibitors from around the world and expected to draw more than 182,000 visitors to witness how technological advancements are reshaping our lives.

This year marks the debut of Hisense TransTech at the event, representing the core B2B strength of Hisense Group. The launch of the Hisense Smart City platform has quickly garnered attention. Enthusiastic comments include, “Hisense Smart City reveals the boundless potential of technology to transform our lives” and “I hope our city can also benefit from smooth and orderly smart transportation.”

Hisense has showcased its latest innovations in AI-driven scenarization, presenting a vision of future smart living that enhances urban resilience and livability. Their solutions span from ensuring smooth traffic flow and safeguarding public safety to efficient urban services and proactive disaster management. Hisense has already expanded its presence to Ethiopia, Laos, Indonesia, Thailand, and Mexico.



Human-Centric Approach

High-Quality Global Expansion: Chinese Smart City Technology Takes the World Stage

At the Hisense Smart City exhibit, Mr. Hamilton from Germany was captivated by the smart transportation solutions displayed on the screens. After a thorough review and discussion with Hisense engineers, he gave a thumbs-up: “Hisense has increased city traffic throughput by 10% and reduced parking times and travel duration by 30%. It’s like having a doctor skilled in urban ailments, automatically diagnosing traffic issues and implementing precise, effective measures. It helps us arrive at our destinations earlier and return home sooner.”


In response to the rising public transportation fares in several European countries—7% in Berlin and up to 12.7% in Munich—Hisense offers effective solutions. The rising fares are largely due to high operational costs. Hisense's smart bus system helps reduce costs and enhance efficiency by analyzing passenger flow patterns to adjust bus deployment accordingly, reducing empty runs and resource wastage. This technology has already been implemented in Xining, China, where 60 bus routes have seen a reduction of about 22,000 kilometers in inefficient mileage daily, lowering operating costs by approximately 5 million RMB monthly. Additionally, the smart bus project in Ethiopia, featuring 177 buses equipped with Hisense onboard devices and 70 buses with Hisense handheld devices, has commenced trial operations and will gradually expand.

Not only are ticket prices high, but the overall riding experience also needs improvement, particularly due to the danger posed by frequent abrupt braking by drivers. This issue was highlighted by attendees who mentioned concerns about their riding experience. How can driver behavior be regulated? Hisense's onboard devices offer real-time monitoring of drivers, detecting and alerting unsafe behaviors such as phone use and fatigue driving. By generating safety profiles for drivers through analysis, these devices help enforce safety standards and enhance the overall passenger experience.


Hisense understands that smart cities are not about showcasing technology for its own sake; rather, technology ultimately serves human needs. The Hisense Smart City platform leverages AI and big data to integrate smart city management with urban transportation, services, public safety, disaster prevention, and operational management. This integration helps administrators sense and address urban issues promptly with precise solutions, ensuring early detection, swift action, accurate measures, and high efficiency.


Application-Oriented Vision

Towards a Future of Smart City Shaped by AI-Driven Scenarization

As the era of “AI in Everything” unfolds, Hisense introduced its future technology strategy—scenario-based development—at last year’s IFA. This year, Hisense has deepened its AI-driven scenarization approach, intensifying the integration of technologies in smart cities:

In transportation scenarios, drivers can experience uninterrupted green lights, alleviating traffic congestion. In urban services, citizens can time their bus rides accurately and view real-time updates on the next bus arrival; subway station displays provide clear information on train arrival times, cabin temperatures, and crowd levels. In public safety, urban infrastructure such as gas, water supply and drainage, and bridges are “smartly marked” to detect risks immediately. In disaster management, forest fire alerts can be issued “a second earlier,” with accurate predictions of fire line lengths and spread areas, boasting a prediction accuracy over 85%. In operational management, the system breaks down departmental barriers, allowing real-time monitoring of indicators, problem identification, and closed-loop management, providing scientific decision-making support for administrators.


The Smart City solutions are emerging as a crucial force in promoting urban sustainability, subtly transforming lifestyles. Hisense will continue to drive technological innovation, exploring the limitless possibilities of smart cities and advancing urban governance toward smarter, more efficient, and more human-centered solutions. The future of smart cities is round the corner!
