Fehmarnbelt tunnel gets EUR 540M in EU funding

5 July 2022
Fehmarnbelt tunnel gets EUR 540M in EU funding

At a meeting on 21 June 2022, the EU member states approved the European Commission’s proposal for the allocation of funding for European infrastructure projects. The construction of the Fehmarnbelt tunnel between Denmark and Germany will receive EUR 540 million (DKK 4 billion) from the fund.

During the EU’s last budget period, the Fehmarnbelt project received funding totalling EUR 587 million.

Commenting the latest news, CEO Henrik Vincentsen, Femern A/S, said: “We are delighted that the EU has decided to continue funding the Fehmarnbelt tunnel for another term under the CEF Programme, and by doing so recognizing the project’s potential as a game changer for the region and for rail-transport.”

“The Fehmarnbelt tunnel is instrumental for the green transition of freight and passenger transport and will bring Northern Germany, Eastern Denmark and the rest of Scandinavia closer together improving the free movement of goods and services.”

The EU grants come from the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF), which is EU’s funding instrument for strategic investment in transport infrastructure on the trans-European transport network (TEN-T) during the 2021-2027 EU budget period.

The TEN-T aims to strengthen the internal market by removing bottlenecks and promoting more efficient cross-border transport corridors.
