EUR 2 billion tenders to be launched for Rail Baltica

26 April 2022
EUR 2 billion tenders to be launched for Rail Baltica

RB Rail has announced that this year, Rail Baltica procurement plan includes tenders estimated at EUR 2 billion.

By the end of 2022, project’s delivery organisations plan to advance with next phases of the already started construction and consolidated material tenders, as well as launch new construction procurements across the three Baltic States.

Also, tenders for the Rail Baltica subsystems – electrification (ENE) and control-command and signalling (CCS) design and build – the largest in the EU, design and supervision services for the remaining strategic main line section “Kaunas – Polish Border” will be launched. The plan also includes consolidated supply for noise barriers and fencing, design, and IT architecture development strategy tenders to be launched in 2022.

The organisation is expected to complete soon the detailed technical designs for the already started 650 km of Rail Baltica and launched the design and supervision services for the Kaunas – Vilnius rail section. The construction of the rail corridor is performed in all the three Baltic states and the control-command and signalling engineering and works supervision contract has been signed.

In January, OÜ Rail Baltic Estonia has launched the construction procurement for Ülemiste joint terminal while in Latvia the mainline construction approaching its second phase. In addition, the deadline for the construction of Latvia’s mainline connection has been extended.

To implement the Rail Baltica procurement plan, the project implementers will continue to apply for additional and extra financing from the EU Military Mobility allocation and from the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF).

“Our goal is to build and maintain strong and long-term relations with our strategic partners from the Baltic States and EU, including the Rail Baltica suppliers’ community which are of vital importance not only to successfully reach the ambitious targets, but also to deliver on the expectations for Rail Baltica being much more than just tracks” Agnis Driksna explained.

Up to now the Rail Baltica global project is already collaborating with more than 200 Baltic and 50 international partners and has more than 150 active contracts with estimated value over EUR 900 million.
