Romania road tender winner selected

16 November 2022
Romania road tender winner selected

The winner had been selected in Romania for a stretch of the Ploiesti-Buzau Highway project. The contract is with a group of Turkish firms for lot 3 of the route. The section of road will be a 14km stretch of the Ploiesti-Buzau Highway.

Construction of the section of the highway is expected to take 20 months to build and the work will cost €222 million. Included in the project will be the construction of a 1.25km tunnel section as well as eight bridges. The project was awarded by Romania’s national roads firm, CNAIR.

Meanwhile, work is now to go ahead on the 42km Metropolitan Belt Project around Cluj-Napoca. The work will be carried out in two phases, with the first costing €202.8 million and the second costing €83.3 million. Approval for the project was given by the Romanian Government.
