China Eximbank Provides Trade Finance to Support African Export

8 September 2022
China Eximbank Provides Trade Finance to Support African Export

To implement the deliverables of the Eighth Ministerial Conference of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) held in November 2021, China Eximbank will provide trade finance to support African countries in expanding export and making foreign exchange earnings.

At the Eighth Ministerial Conference of the FOCAC, President Xi Jinping announced the launch of nine programs of China-Africa cooperation to be implemented in the next three years. According to the trade promotion program, China will provide trade finance to support African export. China Eximbank is working actively to implement the nine programs in a bid to promote mutually beneficial and win-win development of China and Africa.

The trade finance will be provided to businesses registered in China and export enterprises and financial institutions (including branches of domestic banks and multinational banks) in Africa. It will focus on supporting China’s imports of goods and services from Africa, helping Chinese enterprises invest in and develop relevant projects, and promoting the building of the China-Africa industrial park for Belt and Road cooperation and the pioneering zone for in-depth China-Africa trade and economic cooperation, in a bid to ensure financial support for African countries to improve their capacity of export processing.

The Bank will make greater efforts to ensure the concrete implementation of the trade promotion program, so as to contribute more to deepening China-Africa comprehensive strategic partnership and building a China-Africa community with a shared future in the new era.
