Public-Private Partnership Council established to bolster mining sector in Jordan

13 August 2022
Public-Private Partnership Council established to bolster mining sector in Jordan

Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Saleh Kharabsheh on Tuesday announced the establishment of the Public-Private Partnership Council concerned with the field of mining to bolster the sector’s contribution to GDP, the Jordan News Agency, Petra, reported. In a meeting with private sector representatives, Kharabsheh highlighted the importance of this partnership, which comes within the framework of the vision of economic modernisation. 

A national programme for mining will be developed, Kharabsheh announced, adding that work is under way to provide data in accordance with international standards, harmonise legislation with international standards, review the financial incentives system, and attract foreign investment to the mining sector. Current efforts are focused on establishing mining projects, launching a financing programme for the mining sector, attracting specialised labour, and improving mining techniques and technologies, he added. 

The ministry seeks to increase the sector’s exports by 10.5 per cent annually to reach about $5 billion in 2033. Kharabsheh expressed the ministry's readiness to receive proposals presented by the private sector. Private sector representatives participating in the meeting praised the ministry's efforts in cementing the partnership between the two sides to advance the mining sector in the Kingdom and benefit from the available national expertise. 

The meeting was attended by delegates representing the Jordanian Geologists Association, the Royal Scientific Society, the Royal Society for the Conservation of Nature, the Arab Potash Company, the Arab Mining Company and the Jordan Engineers Association as well as a number of academics.
