Nigerian road construction and upgrade deals signed

11 August 2022
Nigerian road construction and upgrade deals signed

New road construction deals have been signed in Nigeria that will improve transport connections for major cities in the north and south of the country.

One of the projects is for upgrade work to the busy highway linking Kano and Katsina in the north of the country, a key transport route for heavy vehicles as well as passenger vehicles. The Nigerian Federal Government is providing a budget of US$40.6 million for the improvements and widening work, which is being carried out by the Chinese contractor China Civil Engineering Construction Corp (CCECC). The road is extremely important for Nigeria as it carries both national and international traffic, the latter running to and from Niger to the north.

Meanwhile, the authorities in River State in Southern Nigeria have awarded contracts for road and bridge works to Julius Berger Nigeria. The works will see the construction of new road connections as well as two new flyovers in the city or Port Harcourt. The contractor has already completed work on six flyovers in Port Harcourt, with work still underway on another three.
