Contract awarded for USD614.80 million highway PPP project in Mexico

23 June 2022
Contract awarded for USD614.80 million highway PPP project in Mexico

The National Bank of Public Works and Services (Banobras) has awarded the concession contract for Tepic-Compostela and Jala-Compostela-Las Varas highways to Mota-Engil México SAPI SA de CV in Mexico.

Mota-Engil Mexico will be responsible for the construction, maintenance, rehabilitation and operation of the Tepic-Compostela highway (26 km type A2), sub-segment B of segment 2 Compostela-Las Varas, of the Jala-Compostela-Las Varas highway and branch to Compostela (includes the El Capomo junction, 18.3 km type A4) and the maintenance, rehabilitation and operation of sub-segment A of segment 2 Compostela-Las Varas (11 km type A4). 

The project has an estimated investment of MXN12,417 million (US$614.80 million).
