Bangladesh’s Largest Solar Power Plant Installed with Sungrow Central Inverter Solutions Comes Online

21 December 2021
Bangladesh’s Largest Solar Power Plant Installed with Sungrow Central Inverter Solutions Comes Online

Sungrow, the global leading inverter solution supplier for renewables, announced recently that Bangladesh’s largest PV project — the 130 MWp Bagerhat solar power plant with Sungrow’s central inverter solutions installed came into commercial operation in late December 2021.

Located in Khulna, the Bagerhat project overtook the 73 MW Mymensingh solar power plant as Bangladesh’s largest solar power plant upon its completion. Utilizing Bangladesh’s 2,500 hours of sunshine per year, the project will be able to generate power equivalent to that produced by more than 324,000 tons of coal a year.

This plant is connected to 132/33 KV Mongla PGCB Grid Substation through a newly constructed around 9 km transmission line.

Recently, the government of Bangladesh unveiled its renewable energy generation strategy for the Eighth Five-Year Plan period. The government said the new strategy will have to be aggressively pursued so that all that is planned to get implemented in time and the required policy support is prioritized. 
