Bid opening of envelope i for wind 100 mw project

15 September 2021
Bid opening of envelope i for wind 100 mw project

Program    name: Uzbekistan Wind Program 

Project name: 100 MW Wind Based Power Generation Project in Qorao’zak District, of Karakalpakstan Region, Republic of Uzbekistan (the “Project”) 

In response to the Request for Proposals (RFP) for the Project issued to the Pre-Qualified Bidders on 22th May 2021, the Bidders listed (in alphabetical order) below have submitted a Bid before the deadline of 6 September 2021, 18:00 hours Tashkent Time.

1) Abu Dhabi Future Energy Company PJSC (MASDAR)

2) International Company for Water and Power Projects (ACWA Power)

3) Voltalia

On the basis of foregoing, the Tender Committee with the support of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) will proceed with the compliance check of information provided in Envelope 1 (Commercial Submission, Legal Submission and Technical Submission) of the Bids and shall then conduct detailed evaluation of Envelope 1 in accordance with the Part 1 (Instruction to Bidders) of the RFP.

The Tender Committee will thereafter invite Pre-Qualified Bidders whose Envelope 1: (a) is compliant; and (b) achieves a “pass” grade, for opening of Envelope 2 (Financial Proposal).

The Government of Uzbekistan acknowledges the contribution of the Government of Japan and EBRD shareholders, as the donors of the technical assistance supporting the Project.
