ACCIONA is awarded 400 kilometers of power transmission lines in Peru

30 June 2024
ACCIONA is awarded 400 kilometers of power transmission lines in Peru

The Peruvian Ministry of Energy and Mines, through the Private Investment Promotion Agency (Proinversión), has awarded an ACCIONA-led consortium three new power transmission concession projects in the Andean country. These projects will include more than 400 kilometers of transmission lines, six new substations and the modernization of six existing substations, with an estimated investment of US$337 million (€315 million).

The projects will benefit more than one million residents of the Ica and Arequipa regions in the south of the country and will facilitate the development of more than 10GW of renewable energy in the area.

The facilities involved are the new Poroma Hub and Colectora substations and the 500kV Hub Poroma-Colectora link in Ica; the new San José Hub substation and the 220kV San José-Repartición Hub link in Arequipa; and the new Marcona II, San Isidro and Pampa substations, as well as the 138kV Marcona II-San Isidro (Bella Unión)-Pampa (Chala) link. For each of the three contracts, fifty months of construction plus thirty years of operation and maintenance are scheduled.

These contracts, along with the four projects of this kind that ACCIONA already has in its portfolio in Peru, make the company one of the main holders of power transmission concessions in the region.


ACCIONA has extensive experience in the infrastructure market in Peru, where it has been present since 1998 and has developed major projects, especially in the water treatment sector, such as the Talara desalination plant, the La Chira wastewater treatment plant and the Arequipa wastewater treatment plant. It is also in charge of water management in Lima for the Lima Drinking Water and Sewerage Service (Sedapal) and has undertaken key construction projects, such as the Daniel Alcides Carrión hospital and the Pucallpa prison.
