Aldar Properties awards 34MW Solar Power Contract to Yellow Door Energy

20 December 2023

Aldar Properties PJSC (“Aldar”) has partnered with Yellow Door Energy, a leading sustainable energy organisation, to bring solar power to 45 properties across the UAE, supporting the UAE Net Zero by 2050 Strategic Initiative and Abu Dhabi’s 2030 Energy Strategy.

The partnership between Aldar and Yellow Door Energy was formalised on the sidelines of COP28, signed by Salwa Al Maflahi, Aldar’s Director of Sustainability and Community Outreach and Rory McCarthy, Chief Operating Officer of Yellow Door Energy.

This transition to solar power will prioritise the use of on-site clean energy generation as part of Aldar’s Net Zero Plan, a commitment launched in January 2023 to decarbonise its business and assets by 2050. To significantly reduce Aldar’s operational carbon footprint requires a successful energy transition based on cross-sector collaboration and responsible investing to create long-term value.

The solar systems used as part of this project will be financed, designed, built, operated, and maintained by Yellow Door Energy across 45 of Aldar’s assets in retail, education, and hospitality for the next 20 years. Using rooftop, carport, and ground-mount solar photovoltaic (PV) applications, the clean energy systems have a capacity of 34 megawatts, contributing to cost savings and operational resiliency.

The transition to solar, which will begin in 2024, will reduce 23,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions in its first year, facilitating a 12% reduction in Aldar’s Scope 2 greenhouse gas emissions related to purchased electricity of the assets against its 2022 baseline. Over the entire lifetime of the project, more than 560,000 tonnes of CO2 will be avoided. Overall, Aldar’s average clean energy consumption will increase by 12% across the whole portfolio with selected assets benefiting from up to 25%.
