CEE Group, Goldbeck switches on 155 MW solar plant in Germany

6 July 2023

German energy asset manager CEE Group and project developer Goldbeck Solar have switched on a 155 MW solar power plant in Gumtow, Germany.

The Döllen solar farm, built in one year, sells power to French energy company Engie under a 10-year power purchase agreement (PPA), as confirmed by the two companies.

The project, situated on a former agricultural site, was built by Goldbeck Solar in collaboration with German engineering company Antilike Solar. Financing was provided by DAL Deutsche Anlagen-Leasing GmbH & Co. KG. Chinese module maker Astronergy supplied the panels.

The electricity is being integrated into the network of E.DIS Netz AG, a regional electricity distribution network operator serving Brandenburg and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. E.DIS built a substation in Schönhagen specifically for the solar park. The commercial law firm Taylor Wessing and the consulting firm 8.2 Obst & Ziehmann were involved as legal and technical advisoes for the transaction.

“Particular challenges had to be overcome during the construction of the solar park, which were related, among other things, to the subsoil, the weather conditions, and the power supply during the implementation of the project,” said  Goldbeck Solar Group CEO Joachim Goldbeck. “In addition, the geopolitical events of the past few months have disrupted supply chains.”
