Italy sets new provisions for innovative agrivoltaics

19 April 2023

The Italian Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security has unveiled a new incentive scheme to support innovative agrivoltaic solutions. The Italian government has submitted the new provisions to the European Commission and will now have to wait for its approval.

The scheme is part of the country's National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) and has a budget of €1.1 billion, which should be enough to deploy around 1.04 GW of PV capacity by June 2026.

Only agrivoltaic projects with vertical mounting structures or high-efficiency innovative PV modules will be able to participate in the scheme. The selected developers will be awarded rebates for up to 40% of the initial costs of buying and installing PV systems. They will be granted feed-in tariffs for the energy they inject into the grid.

The new decree also defines “advanced agrovoltaic systems.” They must include innovative mounting solutions that place solar modules above the ground, without compromising the continuity of agricultural operations. In general, the new provisions define “advanced agrovoltaic systems” as complex systems that enhance productive potential, while ensuring the continuity of agricultural activities.
