Contract awarded for the Port of Barranquilla dredging works

4 April 2023

The Shanghai – Panamerican Dredging consortium has won a Col$ 55.5 million contract for the dredging of the Port of Barranquilla Access Channel.

Photo courtesy of the minister of transport

The signing ceremony was held yesterday, April 3rd, under the patronage of Guillermo Reyes, the Colombian minister of transport.

According to him, the dredging on the Port Access Channel was awarded in order to maintain the navigability conditions in the port area of Barranquilla.

The contract has a duration of 6 months (until September 2023) and will assure the permanent dredging works at the Access Channel to the Barranquilla’s Port Zone, maintaining the navigability of the Magdalena River.

The consortium is made of CCCC Shanghai Dredging CO. LTD (70% participation) and by Panamerican Dredging & Engineering S.A.S. (30%).
