Nokia, Orange to digitise Egypt’s New Administrative Capital

23 March 2023
Nokia, Orange to digitise Egypt’s New Administrative Capital

The Finnish telecoms company Nokia and French rival Orange have won a deal to install digital services at Egypt’s New Administrative Capital.

Working for delivery body ACUD (Administrative Capital for Urban Development), the two will wire in Nokias’ AVA services, a digital ecosystem that provides AI solutions for a variety of IT tasks.

According to Nokia, the system will provide “intelligence everywhere to help ACUD deliver new and innovative internet of things (IoT) use-cases to residential and enterprise users”.

This will let residents order, activate, and pay for utilities and data centre services, among other things.

Nokia’s software will be complemented by Cerillion’s business support systems, which provides an open and standards-based solution for retail and wholesale IT packages.

Hani Adel, an executive at Nokia, said: “This project with ACUD and Orange is an opportunity to build digital infrastructure for a smarter future for Cairo.”
