Russia, China Working On Investment Projects Worth $160 Billion - Russian Foreign Ministry

7 September 2022
Russia, China Working On Investment Projects Worth $160 Billion - Russian Foreign Ministry

MOSCOW (UrduPoint News / Sputnik - 07th September, 2022) Russia and China are working on investment projects worth overall about $160 billion, Director of the Russian Foreign Ministry's First Asian Department Georgy Zinovyev said in an interview with Sputnik.

"The portfolio of the specialized intergovernmental commission on investment cooperation includes 79 projects worth about $160 billion," Zinovyev said.

"Unlike the United States, where an atmosphere of hostility and suspicion is created around investments from China, Russia welcomes investments from China and tries to create a favorable regime for them. Friendly political relations between our countries provide stable conditions for promoting and expanding such cooperation," he said.
