Morocco mulls nuclear energy projects

2 June 2022
Morocco mulls nuclear energy projects

Morocco is considering the construction of nuclear reactors for energy generation as part of a strategy to increase reliance on renewable energy sources, a Minister was quoted on Wednesday as saying. 

The Energy Transition and Sustainable Development Ministry in the North African Arab country conducted a study for such projects in 2015 and will present a report on its results to the Parliament this ear. 

“The report comprises recommendations for switching to nuclear energy,” Energy Transition and Sustainable Development Minister Leila Benali said, quoted by the Moroccan Arabic language daily Hespress. 

She said the recommendations cover “the framework and infrastructure” as well as legislation for nuclear energy projects. 

“Morocco has invested in solar and wind energy, and it is now eyeing nuclear energy to ensure its electricity needs in the future…we now need a national decision to start producing electricity from nuclear energy,” she said. 
