Singapore Grants In-principle Approval to Import 100 MW Solar Power from Indonesia

28 October 2021
Singapore Grants In-principle Approval to Import 100 MW Solar Power from Indonesia

The Energy Market Authority (EMA) has granted in-principle approval on a pilot project to import 100 megawatt (MW) of solar power from Indonesia to Singapore.

The project is part of a collaboration among a consortium of companies including Singapore-based power generation and electricity retail company PacificLight Power (PLP), Indonesian power producer Medco Power Indonesia and Gallant Venture.

The Project is in line with the Singapore Green Plan 2030 to increase renewable generation.

A Joint Development Agreement was signed between the consortium during the Singapore International Energy Week on 25 October 2021.

PLP, Medco Power Indonesia and Gallant Venture are in advanced stages of developing a solar PV project that will supply renewable electricity exclusively to Singapore through the installation of solar panels at Bulan Island, Indonesia.

The project is expected to have an installed generation capacity of 670 MWp in the initial phase, which will provide 100 MW equivalent of non-intermittent electricity. The renewable electricity generated will be supplied via a dedicated plant-to-grid 230 kV HVAC subsea connection to Singapore.

The electricity generation will be sufficient to power over 144,000 four-room HDB flats per annum and offset over 357,000 tonnes of carbon emissions annually. The project will play a pivotal role in meeting the Singapore government’s objectives to increase power generation from renewable sources and reduce the nation’s reliance on fossil fuels.

Scheduled for commissioning in 2024, the project will allow Singapore offtakers to enjoy competitively-priced renewable electricity and significantly increase the solar capacity available to Singapore from the current level of 430 MWp, said the company statement.
