Uzbekistan's ministry of energy plans to increase its 2030 renewables targets

15 September 2021
Uzbekistan's ministry of energy plans to increase its 2030 renewables targets

In 2020, the Ministry of Energy published its plans for the Power capacity development in Uzbekistan for the 2020-2030 period in a document called “Concept note for ensuring electricity supply in Uzbekistan in 2020-2030”. The document talks in length about Uzbekistan’s plans to rebuild its existing power plants, invite private power developers to take part in the power sector development to increase the power production capacity, lays out the plans for reforms, etc. According to the document, a significant share in the power is to be assigned to the PV and Wind renewable power sources as well.

Since then, the Ministry of Energy, in cooperation with the Ministry of Investments and Foreign Trade, PPP Development Agency, WB, IFC, ADB and EBRD, has signed 16 PPAs with various international private power producers so that they would build PV, wind, gas engine and CCGT power plants.

Lately, the demand for electricity has demonstrated a resilient growth, despite COVID related economic slowdowns of 2020. The demand growth projects have been bitten by the actual demand for power. Hence, the Ministry has decided to reconsider its 2030 power capacity target in the “Concept note for ensuring electricity supply in Uzbekistan in 2020-2030”. The intention is to do so by increasing the share of renewables in the long term planned energy mix of Uzbekistan because in the latest PV tenders, the low tariffs discovered in the competitive process have brought optimism to the Ministry of Energy on the cost structure of ultimate tariffs for the businesses and households. The PV solar plant capacity might be increased from the existing forecast of 5 GW to 7 GW and the wind from 3 GW to 5 GW.

All the interested parties can view the updated document on the website of the Ministry of energy, which is expected to be published early next year.
