Solar exceeds 28 GW in Brazil, including 20 GW of distributed-generation PV

12 April 2023

In just 100 days, Brazil installed 3.46 GW of PV capacity, pushing the national total to 28.1 GW. About 8,391 MW of that comes from large-scale plants above 5 MW in size, while 19,727 MW comes from small solar parks under 5 MW in size, in addition to all rooftop systems.

Since the beginning of this year, developers have switched on 2,111 MW of distributed-generation systems and 1,351 MW of centralized capacity. At the end of 2022, there were 7,040 MW of solar centralized capacity and 17,616 MW of distributed capacity connected to the grid in Brazil.

At the beginning of this year, the Brazilian Association of Photovoltaic Solar Energy (Absolar) projected 10.1 GW of new solar capacity for 2023. If installations continue at the pace observed in the first 100 days of the year, an average of 21.1 MW per day, new distributed-generation capacity will reach 7,705 MW in 2023.
