Construction starts on 200-MW/3.5-GWh pumped storage hydro in Spain

25 February 2022
Construction starts on 200-MW/3.5-GWh pumped storage hydro in Spain

Spanish grid operator Red Electrica de Espana (REE) on Thursday launched the construction of the Salto de Chira pumped-storage hydroelectric power complex on the island of Gran Canaria, Spain.

The project entails the construction of a 200-MW hydro power station between two existing reservoirs, the Chira and Soria dams, located in the interior of the island, a seawater desalination plant, connection infrastructure and other facilities.

The desalination plant will pump water, a scarce resource on the Canary Islands, up to the Soria dam, REE said.

REE is investing more than EUR 400 million (USD 454.8m) in the project. Construction works are expected to last 70 months.
